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Yes, Yes, without the oops! So you two dig up, dig up dinosaurs? I was part of something special. Just my luck, no ice. So you two dig up, dig up dinosaurs? Checkmate… My dad once told me, laugh and the world laughs with you, Cry, and I’ll give you something to cry about you little bastard!
You’re a very talented young man, with your own clever thoughts and ideas. Do you need a manager? What do they got in there? King Kong? Checkmate… God help us, we’re in the hands of engineers. Jaguar shark! So tell me – does it really exist? Hey, take a look at the earthlings. Goodbye!
They’re using our own satellites against us. And the clock is ticking. Must go faster… go, go, go, go, go! What do they got in there? King Kong? Is this my espresso machine? Wh-what is-h-how did you get my espresso machine? Life finds a way. God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates Man. Man destroys God. Man creates Dinosaurs.
Checkmate… Yes, Yes, without the oops! Yeah, but John, if The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists. Eventually, you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? Must go faster. Just my luck, no ice. Is this my espresso machine? Wh-what is-h-how did you get my espresso machine?
Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend. What do they got in there? King Kong? They’re using our own satellites against us. And the clock is ticking. You know what? It is beets. I’ve crashed into a beet truck. Is this my espresso machine? Wh-what is-h-how did you get my espresso machine?